Videos from MODINA Showings 2024
Full videos of the public showings from all five MODINA 2024 projects are now available online. More information on the projects: https://modina.eu/projects/ Thank you to all the artists involved, and to our project partners as well. MODINA is co-funded by the European Union.
MODINA Networking meeting
On the 15th and 16th of January 2025, MODINA hosted its second cycle networking event at ITI/IST-ID (Lisbon). We gathered together with the five artist duos made up of choreographers and creative technologists selected from our second call for residencies (from 91 duos applying). Seventeen representatives from partnering institutions also took part, who will be…
Videos from MODINA Seminars 2024
We have now published videos from the 5 MODINA Seminars of 2024 to our YouTube. There are 11 videos, a total of 18 hours of documentation. The seminars were composed of artist presentations, discussions, theoretical presentations and practical hands-on sessions. They were organised by the 3 academic institutions of MODINA and hosted by its 5…
Announcing MODINA Showcases and Seminars 2024
MODINA will hold a series of showcases, hosted by the our partner institutions: CNDB (Romania), Kino Siska (Slovenia), STL (Estonia), tanzhaus nrw (Germany), and Trafo (Hungary). The showcases will include performances that have been developed during the MODINA residencies this year, alongside seminar sessions, discussing the connections between performing arts and technology and the creative…
Visit of Nick Bryan-Kinns (UAL) to Tallinn University
On the 15th of November, we had the visit to Tallinn University of Nick Bryan-Kinns, Professor of Creative Computing at University of the Arts London. The visit served several purposes: to discuss matters related to the UKRI-funded project Music Responsible AI, of which Nick Bryan-Kinns is Principal Investigator and Tallinn University is a partner in,…
Music Responsible AI Event (UAL, 17/7/2024) and MODINA
On 17/7/2024, Nuno Correia (coordinator of MODINA) took part on the panel “Challenges and Opportunities for Music Creation” of the Ethical and Responsible AI Music Making Workshop, organised and hosted by University of the Arts London (UAL). This is part of the Music Responsible AI project, led by UAL, and of which Tallinn University (coordinators…
OPEN CALL for MODINA Dance & Technology Residencies (2025)
OPEN CALL for duos of European-based dance artists and creative technologists; Deadline to apply: 4/August ABOUT MODINA The project MODINA (Movement, Digital Intelligence and Interactive Audience) aims to expand the creative possibilities for contemporary dance performances, and augment the experience for the audience, using digital technology – with an emphasis on exploring artificial intelligence (AI)…
MODINA Residencies 2024 – Videos
The 2024 MODINA residencies are now mostly concluded. Residencies concluded in 2024: Collective Cadence, For Patricia, SFDCANBAC++, Temporal Spaces, Yugen. Videos for all 5 MODINA dance & tech residencies from 2024 are now available. You can see them in our website: https://modina.eu/videos/ Or on our YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@modina_eu More videos out soon, please subscribe to our…
MODINA Kick-off meeting
On the 20th and 21st of September 2023, the EU co-funded project MODINA (Movement, Digital Intelligence and Interactive Audience) hosted their kick-off event at Tallinn University. For the first time, we gathered together with the five artist duos made up of choreographers and creative technologists, selected from our first call for residencies (from 91 duos…
Fully-funded PhD in Movement and Computational Creativity
In the scope of the MODINA project, coordinator Tallinn University is offering a fully-funded PhD in Movement and Computational Creativity. Application deadline: 29/June. More information: https://www.tlu.ee/en/dt/applying-phd-school-digital-technologies Description: The aim of the research is to expand the creative possibilities for contemporary dance performances and augment the experience for the audience using digital technology – with an…